Sweet By and By* *Shall We Gather at the River* * On Jordan's Stormy Banks* *Where He Leads Me* *He Leadeth Me* *All the Way My Savior Leads Me * *Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing* *Softly and Tenderly* *I Am Thine O Lord* *It Is Well With My Soul* *At the Cross / When I Survey the Wondrous Cross / O the Blood of Jesus* *Morning Has Broken / For the Beauty of the Earth / Holy, Holy, Holy* *Sweet Hour of Prayer / Little is Much When God Is In It / In the Garden* *When I Survey the Wondrous Cross* *Christ is Mine Forevermore* *The Power of the Cross with Leave It There* *The Invitation: I Surrender All, Just As I Am, Have Thine Own Way Lord* *We Gather Together* *Fairest Lord Jesus / More Precious Than Silver* *As the Deer / Give Me Jesus* *There is a Fountain / The Old Rugged Cross* * Take the Name of Jesus With You / Only Trust Him* *I Need Thee Every Hour / Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus / Amazing Grace* *Easter Medley* *Wonderful Peace* *Spirituals Medley* *'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus* *Jesus Paid it All / Let Us Break Bread Together* *There is Power in the Blood* *Be Thou My Vision*
Piano Music
♦ ASCAP member
♦ Simple melodies with unique chords to make beautiful music
♦ Intermediate grade arrangements that are very playable
♦ Contact me if you are interested in purchasing a song transposed to a key other than the original listing.
Piano Girl Publishing
Publisher for Marcia Wells Piano

Musicnotes Signature Artist
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Complete Song List
New for March 2025! He Will Be (CityAlight) — Coming Soon! Lead Me to Calvary with Down at the Cross * This is My Father’s World * Endless Praise (Charity Gayle) * Alphabetical listing of all available songs. Click each
Goodness of God
Key: A♭ Major Total pages: 7 Performance length: 4′ 35″ Due to copyright restrictions, “Goodness of God” must be purchased through Musicnotes. Please click here or the picture above for purchasing information. Listen to the entire song in the YouTube
Sheet Music from CityAlight Ancient of Days Day After Day, Jesus Reigns Christ is Mine Forevermore God is Over All He Calls Me Friend His Glory and My Good It Was Finished Upon That Cross Jesus Strong and Kind
Way Maker piano solo
Key: E Major Total pages: 4 Performance Length: 6 minutes* * 6 minutes is the performance time as written in this arrangement. There are many repeats that can be taken or left out to increase or decrease performance time. If
I am so thankful God led me to your website. I play the piano for my church and am always looking for hymn arrangements to play for church services, weddings and funerals. Your style of arranging is my style of playing. -- C.C. December 2024